Your Voice Matters

We listened – thanks to YOUR feedback we managed to secure additional funding to improve audience seating at performances at the hall.


I suspect many of you wonder what happens to your feedback forms from performances??


Well, we read them and we take note of what you say. Your comments help with:

  • letting us know what you thought of the show
  • developing programmes for the future
  • giving feedback to performers
  • letting our funders know how things are going.


We also ask you for general comments and over the years we’ve had a fair number of folks saying that they would like to be able to see the performances better.


We have tried a number of ways to overcome some of the issues of lines of chairs including – performances on the floor, staggering the rows, tables to sit on at the back and café style seating with tables.


Now, thanks to all your comments on the feedback questionnaires that we hand out after performances, we were able to make a successful case to Awards for All for funding. The £6,283 we were awarded has enabled us to redevelop our modular stage and buy a linking system which we can use to build temporary tiered seating.


Some of you have now experienced the seating as we have been using it at performances and other community events. We can also use it to build half height staging, create speaker platforms and different functional space for a range of events.
